[ generated from ../../GDE/PHYLIP/phylip.html ]
PHYLIP programs and documentation
PHYLIP, the PHYLogeny Inference Package, consists of 34 programs. There are documentation files for each program, in the form of web pages in HTML 3.2. There are also documentation web pages for each group of programs, and a main documentation file that is the basic introduction to the package. Before running any of the programs you should read it.
Below you will find a list of the programs and the documentation files. The names of the documentation files are highlighted as links that will take you to those documentation files.
Introduction to PHYLIP
main documentation file
Molecular sequence methods
molecular sequence programs documentation file
protpars protein parsimony documentation file
dnapars DNA sequence parsimony documentation file
dnapenny DNA parsimony branch and bound documentation file
dnamove interactive DNA parsimony documentation file
dnacomp DNA compatibility documentation file
dnaml DNA maximum likelihood documentation file
dnamlk DNA maximum likelihood with clock documentation file
proml Protein sequence maximum likelihood documentation file
promlk Protein sequence maximum likelihood with clock documentation
dnainvar DNA invariants documentation file
dnadist DNA distance documentation file
protdist Protein sequence distance documentation file
restdist Restriction sites and fragments distances documentation file
seqboot Bootstrapping/Jackknifing documentation file
Distance matrix methods
Distance matrix programs documentation file
fitch Fitch-Margoliash distance matrix method documentation file
kitsch Fitch-Margoliash distance matrix with clock documentation file
neighbor Neighbor-Joining and UPGMA method documentation file
Gene frequencies and continuous characters
Continuous characters and gene frequencies documentation file
contml Maximum likelihood continuous characters and gene frequencies
documentation file
contrast Contrast method documentation file
gendist Genetic distance documentation file
Discrete characters methods
Discrete characters methods documentation file
pars Unordered multistate parsimony documentation file
mix Mixed method parsimony documentation file
penny Branch and bound mixed method parsimony documentation file
move Interactive mixed method parsimony documentation file
dollop Dollo and polymorphism parsimony documentation file
dolpenny Dollo and polymorphism branch and bound parsimony
documentation file
dolmove Dollo and polymorphism interactive parsimony documentation file
clique 0/1 characters compatibility method documentation file
factor Character recoding program documentation file
Tree drawing, consensus, tree editing, tree distances
Tree drawing programs documentation file
drawgram Rooted tree drawing program documentation file
drawtree Unrooted tree drawing program documentation file
consense Consensus tree program documentation file
treedist Tree distance program documentation file
retree interactive tree rearrangement program documentation file