Export Column statistics to GnuPlotOCCURRENCE
ARB_NT/SAI/Etc/Export Column statistics to GnuPlot
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Select a valid column statistic
Select what kind of information should be extracted
Information Formula
G+C ratio (G+C) / N
G+A ratio (G+A) / N
Rate mutation_sum / frequency_sum
TT ratio (min.mutations + transversions) / transversions
Most freq. base F1 / N
2nd freq. base F2 / N
3rd freq. base F3 / N
Least freq. base F4 / N
A ratio A / N
C ratio C / N
G ratio G / N
TU ratio (T+U) / N
Helix boolean (helix or not helix)
A/C/G/T/U = amount of A/C/G/T/U's in each column
N = total amount of bases in each column
Fx = F1 = count of most freq. base, ..., F4 of least freq. base
Select if you like smoothing of the values (before they are written to file) '1' means no smoothing, '2' means each value is smoothed with its neighbor, etc. If you e.g. smooth by '21', then the statistic will contain 20 columns less than the unsmoothed stat (for each 21-tupel only one value is written, i.e. 10 values are missing on the left and 10 are missing on the right side).
Select a filter
Select a filename (specify without extension, which will be appended by ARB)
Press 'Save' to save to a file or Press 'Save & View' to save and start gnuplot
In the last case you have some more options:
Select gnuplot-internal smoothing function
Select if to overlay other statistics (which were saved before)
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Pressing 'Delete all overlayed files' will delete all the files, which would be overlayed, if you press 'Save & View'.
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