JUMP-button in top area:
Jumps to the
´Selected species´, i.e. scrolls the species into the viewport and places the cursor into the species.
If the species is inside a folded group, this group and any folded parent groups will be unfolded.
In general the editor will automatically jump to the
´Selected species´, unless the species is in a folded group.
If the species is not loaded into the editor yet, the JUMP button behaves like the GET button, i.e. loads the species and then jumps to it.
ARB_EDIT4/Edit/Load SAI ...:
Allows to load missing SAIs.
Select one of the (not yet loaded) SAIs from the popup list and press LOAD.
If the list is empty, all SAIs with data in the alignment (used by ARB_EDIT4) are already loaded.