Import filters delivered together with ARB are located in the directory '$ARBHOME/lib/import'. Their file extension has to be '.ift'!
To customize your own import filters, click on the 'Test'-button in the import window (see ´Test import filter´).
Note: If multiple users should be able to use a customized filter, you need to copy that filter from '~/.arb_prop/filter' into '$ARBHOME/lib/import'.
Each of the import filters describes how to analyze and read files of one specific format.
A basic import description file (.ift) looks like this:
[AUTODETECT "Matchpattern"]
BEGIN "Matchpattern"
[KEYWIDTH #Columnnumber]
[IFNOTSET x "Reason why x is not set"]+
[SETGLOBAL x "global value"]+
[INCLUDE "file"]+
[DESCRIPTION "text describing import filter"]+
[MATCH "Matchpattern"
SEQUENCESTART "Matchpattern"
or it can pipe the data through any external program PROGRAM to convert it to an already existing format 'exformat' using the following basic design:
[AUTODETECT "Matchpattern"]
NEW_FORMAT "lib/import/exformat.ift"
$< will be replaced by the input file name $> will ve replaced by the intermediate file name