The upper part of this section shows the current graphic size, the magnification in effect, the resulting outputsize (after resize) and the used papersize.
graphic size: size of graphic in inches. When you change the display
while this window stays open (e.g. zoom in/out ...)
press <Get Graphic Size> to update the graphic size.
Magnify%: magnification of graphic. This can either be set manually or
will be set automatically by changing the number of pages used.
Papersize: useable paper size in inches (i.e. size of area printer can fill)
Normally you will select one of the predefined paper formats. Doing this will pass it to fig2dev (which is used to preprocess printing).
It is also possible to use non-standard-formats by setting the paper size directly, but since they aren't known by fig2dev figuring out magnification, overlap etc. might be tricky or impossible.
Orientation: Landscape or Portrait mode
Bordersize: Keep an empty border around the graphic (specified as percentage of
graphic size)
Useable size: How much of a page your printer can fill. This is used when
calculating the 'Papersize' from paper format.
This value cannot be influenced by ARB, it's only here to allow you to inform ARB about the capabilities/restrictions of your printer setup.