"Windows" are the workstation work areas. The names are displayed at the very top of the window.
"Subwindows" (indented) are display and input areas within windows.
"Menu bars" at the top of windows (if present) are used to expose menu choices. The menus are displayed after clicking on the prompts of the menu bar.
"Menu buttons" are raised rectangular buttons containing a small raised rectangle at the right. Menu options are exposed after clicking on the button.
"Menus" initiate actions after clicking on the items.
"Scroll bars" at the extreme right and bottom of windows and subwindows allow to move through the display area in various increments.
Mouse buttons communicate commands to the program:
"Left mouse button" is used for clicking on prompts, checkboxes and buttons.
and to select and modify the main display area.
"Mouse-Wheel" is used to scroll the a display-area (vertically or horizontally
when used with ALT/META) or to zoom the display (when used with CTRL).
"Press" means hold down the mouse button while completing an operation.
"Release" means to let go of the mouse button.
"Click on" means positioning the cursor on a location, prompt, button or checkbox, pressing and immediately releasing the mouse button.
"Choose" from a menu means clicking on the desired menu option.