ARB_NT/Search/More search/Search Next Relatives of LISTED Species in PT Server
Scans PT_SERVER database for the nearest relatives of the species currently listed in search window and writes them into a field of each of those species.
Maximum number of relatives written into the DB field. Use 0 (or empty field) for unlimited number of relatives.
Min. Score
Sets a lower limit for the relative or absolute score. Relatives with lower score are NOT written into the DB field.
Add score?
Whether to add score information to the DB field or not.
Result field
Specifies the field into which the information about found relatives is written.
You may use the generated database entries to mark species (see ´Mark by reference´).
Storing IDs in a field will not survive complete ID renames (e.g. if nameserver changes).
If the results are stored without score, you may use the following ACI expressions with ´Modify fields of listed´ to convert the IDs into accession numbers