If the species contains a field 'transl_table' (which should contain the translation table number as used by the EMBL database) it is used to detect the correct translation table. If no such field is defined a translation-table-auto-detection takes place.
If the species contains a field 'codon_start' it is overwritten with '1' in order to make further translations of the realigned DNA work properly.
Either both fields ('transl_table' and 'codon_start') or none of them has to exist. Otherwise an error occurs and you have to correct these fields manually (e.g. by using the search tool and 'Write to fields of listed' or by deleting these fields).
After successful re-alignment the field 'codon_start' will be set to '1' if
it already existed before or
if ARB was able to strictly determine a content for the field 'transl_table' (which will also be written in that case).
If the re-alignment was possible using two or more different translation tables neither 'transl_table' nor 'codon_start' will be written.