Collapse/expand treeOCCURRENCE
ARB_NT/Tree/Collapse expand tree
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The items in this menu allow to control which groups (groups of species; see ´GROUP MODE´) shall be collapsed and which shall be expanded.
Different ways to collapse/expand:-
Collapse all: collapses all groups (and subgroups)
Collapse terminal: collapses terminal groups, expands other groups
Expand all: expands all groups (and subgroups)
Expand marked: expands all groups that contain marked species, collapses other groups
Expand unmarked: expands all groups that contain unmarked species, collapses other groups
Expand zombies: expands all groups that contain zombies (see ´Glossary´), collapses other groups
Expand color: expands all groups that contain species in specific, any or no color (see ´What are color groups?´)
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The lengths of the triangle sides reflect the longest and shortest overall branch lengths within the subtree.
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